The Problem With Fad Diets For Fat Loss

fad diets dont work

For more than 20 years the media has bombarded us with a perpetual diet craze.

An avalanche of fad diets are announced one after another as breaking news while producing zero true results. 

Some of the most popular are:

  • Atkins

  • South Beach

  • Zone Diet

  • Paeleo

  • Keto

  • 5/2 Diet

  • Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

  • Soup Diets

  • Dukan

  • Master Cleanse

  • Blood Type Diet

  • Juice Cleanses

  • Slimfast

And a nearly endless list of diets and weight loss groups that you can shake a celery stick at!

Sure, you may lose 5, 10 or even 20 pounds on a fad diet...but you'll gain it all back and then some.

How can I be so confident that your results will be short lived?

You mean apart from the fact that I hear it from practically every woman I’ve ever spoken too?

It's actually a simple concept, and once you understand it you will be forever saved from the tortures of yo-yo dieting

Fad diets saddle you with unreasonable calorie restrictions and some even cut out entire food groups just to produce that short lived drop in weight -a process that is actually harmful to your health.

The fad diets also ignore one major component to changing your shape: mother funkin’ exercise


You see, most fad diets operate on one age old premise: cut calories, cut calories, cut calories.  I’ve covered how to properly calculate your calories in this previous post,.

By restricting the type and amount of food consumed the fad dieter usually sees an immediate drop in weight.

If only it stopped there... 

But it doesn't stop there. Life continues, and the fad dieter returns to their pre-diet eating habits-with one major difference in their body due to the sudden drop in pounds. 

Their calorie requirements have gotten smaller. 

In practical terms this means that the dieter will begin gaining weight even though they are eating their normal pre-diet portions.

And since exercise hasn't become a part of their routine, the unneeded calories will result in pounds gained.

So what's a dieter to do?

Find a brand new diet to follow - right?


There is a way to drop pounds and firm your body, but you won't read about it in the next diet book or hear it on the news. 

The solution to your fad dieting nightmare is a lifestyle change. 

What is a lifestyle change?

To change your lifestyle means to replace unhealthy habits with healthy ones, and to do so consistently. It isn't something you do for a week or two, only to revert back your old ways - a lifestyle change redefines who you are. 

I know this is starting to sound like some heavy stuff, but hear me out.

Changing your lifestyle from one that is unhealthy to one that is healthy will be the best thing that you ever do for yourself.

Trust me, I help people like you make this change every day with amazing results. 

The shape of your body is the direct result of your current lifestyle. So how do I change my lifestyle? 

That is a great question, and the answer is actually easier than you might think. 

Most people who are unhappy with their bodies are really only holding on to a few bad habits. Once these destructive habits are identified and then replaced with healthy habits their body naturally transforms from one that they loathe to one that they are proud of. 

In other words, to get the body that you want simply determine your unhealthy habits and replace them with healthy ones.


Here are the most prevalent unhealthy habits:

  • The habit of inactivity. 

    Failing to exercise on a consistent basis is one of the most destructive obstacles for your health and figure. (The key word here is consistent. If you aren't exercising at least 3-4 times each week then you have this habit.)

  • The habit of overeating. 

    Consuming calories in excess of your daily caloric needs is one of the main reasons that more adults are overweight today than ever before.

  • The habit of empty calories. 

    Filling your diet with foods that hold little to no nutritional value is a great way to expand your waist. (Hint: if a food item is made up of mainly sugar and/or fat consider it 'empty' calories.)

You can lose weight and improve both your appearance and your health.

You can look and feel great. 

You can transform yourself into the person that you've always wanted to be. 

Don't let another day go by that leaves you a slave to unhealthy habits.

Take action now.

By the way, I should mention another deadly habit that destroys too many people's dreams. The habit of procrastination

How many times have you told yourself that you will start eating healthy tomorrow?

Each day that you succumb to the habit of procrastination is a day that pulls you farther and farther from your goals. 


Hi, I’m Aaron Schiavone, owner of Mind Muscle Personal Training. Over the past 5+ years I have helped women increase their self confidence, improve their relationship with food, improve their health, become stronger, fitter and happier.


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Eat FAT to Lose FAT and Be Healthier