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No nonsense fitness advice for everyone.
Tips and advice for anyone to follow on their fitness journey.
How Periods Effect Your Workouts, Mood and Diet.
The menstural cycle is a rollercoaster ride, in this article we cover exactly why your emotions and cravings change and if you need to change your training during your period.
Googling “Fit Women”
How society depicts Fit/Healthy Women is largely determined by dominant ideologies of what a woman 'should' be and 'should' look like and often reflects racial and aesthetic biases.
Eat FAT to Lose FAT and Be Healthier
Fat is not bad for you, In fact fat is vital for your health and wellbeing and is key in many bodily functions that keep you alive.
Carbs Are Not The Enemy
Why you should not fear carbohydrates, why carbs don't make you fat and why carbs are an important part of a balanced sustainable diet. Put your fears aside and embrace this important macro nutrient.
Why ALL Women SHOULD Lift Weights
Lifting weights is important for women, it's also the key to successful fat loss and getting a lean, toned and strong physique.
Is Your Stomach Flat or Fat?
The fat around your stomach is an outward sign of deep, internal fat surrounding your organs. Fat around your stomach causes an increase of hormones that raise blood pressure and increase bad cholesterol, putting you at risk for heart disease, stroke, and premature death.
51 Best High Protein Foods For Building Lean Muscle
Struggling to eat enough protein every day? I have 51 High Protein foods for you to help you with building lean muscle and burning body fat.
How To Calculate Your Macros For Weight Gain
Looking to gain weight and build muscle? Check out this article on how to calculate your calories and macros for muscle growth. A calorie surplus is the ONLY way to build muscle - learn how to calculate yours and see results now.
Start your fitness journey
If you’re looking to feel good naked, have more energy, building healthy habits, and generally just levelling up your life then apply for a coaching call now.