How To Grow Your Bum In Just One Week
You can't.
At least not in any meaningful or noticeable way.
I know that's not what you wanted to hear when you googled "how to grow my bum in a week".
But stick around, I'll tell you exactly how to grow your glutes, how long it will take and how hard you need to work.
Anyone who tells you that you can grow a noticeable amount of muscle in a week is full of shit, but it's a great white lie to sell you a generic booty program for £50.
The first thing we need to look at is:
How much muscle can a woman realistically build (naturally) in her first year of training?
It is a spectrum, but typically it can be between 10-15 pounds (4.5-7kg) of muscle in your first year for women with a normal build and up to 20lbs (9kg) for skinnier girls.
This is your newbie gains.
Make the most of them as your gains pretty much half every year after that.
Let's break that down.
Say you gain 12 pounds (5.4kg) in a year (that is a great result).
That's one pound (0.45kg) per month.
That's 230 grams per week spread over ALL the muscles you have trained that week.
Do you still think you would notice 230 grams of muscle even if it all went to your glutes?
Probably not!
Building muscle takes time. I would not expect to see much change in your glute size or shape in less than six weeks.
More likely six months to one year.
I am telling you this: STOP looking for quick fixes to long-term goals.
Nothing significant in fitness can be achieved in a week.
You won't build noticeable muscle in a week.
You won't get your dream body in a week.
You won't get a flat stomach in a week.
Slow down and take a long-term approach to glute development. Glutes are big, powerful muscles, train them hard and they will reward you with the bum you want.
Just not in a week.
Let's talk about training intensity and strength gains.
Listen up. Women don't have to be small and weak.
Women are capable of being insanely strong, some can even be stronger than men.
I know society tells you to be small, quiet and feminine so men will like you.
But you can take up space, make some noise, be strong as fuck and still be feminine (and men will still like you).
I have several female clients who can squat and deadlift (even bench press) more than some male clients. Let that sink in.
Again though, this takes a very long time.
Not weeks; months and years.
If we want to get strong, we have to get big; if we want to get big, we have to get strong.
How do we do that then?
Focus on lifting weights. Big heavy weights.
It's time to put the pink dumbbells and booty bands away.
Many (if not all) the workouts you'll see on this subject are dominated by bodyweight and glute band workouts.
Look, bands are great, they have their place but they don't build glute muscle. They are a tool in your arsenal but are not essential.
If you want to build glute muscle then you need weights.
Your focus MUST be on performing heavy compound exercises close to failure.
Your weapons are:
Hip Thrust variations.
Glute Bridge variations.
Romanian Deadlift variations.
Deadlifts (Sumo, Conventional, Floating).
Lunge Variations.
Squat & Leg Press Variations.
Bulgarian Split Squats.
Step Up Variations.
Glute Dominant Back Extensions.
If you picked 4-5 of these per session you would build a pretty solid set of glutes in a few months.
Alongside your compound exercises, we want some direct isolation and abduction exercises to fine-tune your glutes. Especially if we want that coveted upper glute shelf.
Check out this article (my most popular) on The Best Exercises To Grow Your Glutes
Great choices are:
Cable kickbacks.
Glute Medius kickbacks.
Cable abductions.
Leg raise variations.
Abduction machines.
Let's talk about training intensity.
It's one thing to go to the gym and do a workout.
It's something else entirely to do a workout with true purpose and intensity.
To grow muscle you need to break muscle.
Lifting weights is a destructive process for the body (in a good way). We need to break down muscle so it grows back bigger and stronger each week.
That will not happen if you just go through the motions, lifting the same weights every week and spending more time taking selfies than dying under the bar!
Lift like you fucking mean it.
Every single session should be a level up from the last one.
More weight.
More reps.
More sets.
More sweat.
If you finish a workout and it's no different from last week, then you didn't work hard enough.
Unless you are on your period, then it's fine to reign it back a fair bit.
This is why one of the best muscle-building techniques you can start right now is keeping a log book. Log your workouts, every weight, every rep from now until forever.
Training to failure.
Something so many women are afraid to do is train to failure.
By failure, I mean that you can't perform another rep safely with good form.
Lifting weights isn't meant to be comfortable. It is the very opposite.
Get comfortable with being uncomfortable under a heavy barbell.
Typically in resistance training, we do multiple sets and reps of an exercise.
This is because it takes time and reps to tire your glute muscles out.
Often the first few sets are easier, the muscle can handle the stress. These sets don't do much for growing your glutes. It's the final few sets and specifically the final few reps of these sets where the magic happens.
It's also the point where most people give up because it's getting hard.
Big mistake!
The final reps of the final sets, when it hurts, when your glutes burn and your lungs are bursting are the reps that count.
This is when the glute muscles have hit their limits.
This is when they have to adapt and grow.
Everything else has simply been to get us to this point where the magic happens.
This is where your glutes will grow. It's not just doing the exercises, but pushing them to the absolute limit.
By the end of your workout, you should be able to say "I couldn't have done any more today".
Crawl home and eat your protein.
Finally, I would be remiss without mentioning the importance of nutrition on glute growth.
Everything I've just talked about is a waste of effort if you are not eating enough protein or total calories.
Calorie Surplus + Weight Training = Muscle Growth. Simple.
Now, I know this scares the shit out of a lot of women, but it is necessary, and when done properly won’t lead to excessive fat gain.
Just as long as the food choices are smart and you are not smashing Five Guys every day.
Again we need calories and protein to build those glute muscles. I've gone into greater detail in this article I suggest you read next: How To Eat To Build Your Glutes.
On training days you need to be eating to fuel your muscles.
We are damaging them and breaking down the muscle, we need the energy to repair them so you can not limit your calories and expect to build muscle.
I’ve got a brilliant and handy CALORIE CALCULATOR on my website that will give you custom calorie targets, advice on macro splits and advice on building muscle, check it out.
Get Help
All this probably sounds very overwhelming.
You could shortcut all the confusion, conquer the fear and start gaining weight today.
Wouldn’t that be better than figuring all this out on your own?
Then it’s time to join my online coaching team, where I will get you building muscle, gaining weight and becoming a badass from day one.
And Check out of a few of my clients below, who’ve gone from Mini to Mighty
I’m Aaron Schiavone, owner of Mind Muscle Personal Training. Over the past 7+ years I have helped women increase their self confidence, improve their relationship with food, improve their health, become stronger, fitter and happier..