Start Building Muscle, or Losing Weight, from day one by knowing exactly how many calories you should be eating.

Building your glutes, feeling comfortable in your own skin and maybe losing some weight isn’t the complicated dark art you’ve been led to believe. Let me explain...

I made this awesome calorie and macro calculator to solve your biggest headache.


Because most coaches are terrified of telling you how we work out your calories and macros.

After all, if they showed you how to do it for yourself, why the hell would you pay them?

Self-preservation and all that jazz.

But I don’t see things the same way, because calories and macros are one small step in a long journey and won’t fix all your problems.

But I want you to get off to the best possible start.

Scroll down now, fill in your info and discover exactly how many calories you need to build that awesome AF body you dream of.

It's time to kickstart your journey to a bigger bum, stronger lifts and becoming a badass with a great ass.

Your results will be sent to you via your email so make sure you head straight there to see your goal calories and macros.

Check out this blog post where I go into much more detail on how to calculate your calories and macros. It’s key to understanding the principles behind the calculator.

Hi, I’m Aaron Schiavone, owner of Mind Muscle Personal Training. Over the past 7+ years I have helped women increase their self-confidence, improve their relationship with food, improve their health, and become stronger, fitter and happier.