Thank You For Joining My Coaching Team 🥳


Step 1

👉 CHECK YOUR EMAIL - Your will receive an Email from PTDistinction with your login details.

PTDistinction is the coaching app I use to host your program, results and weekly check ins.

Step 2

👉 DOWNLOAD PTDistinction - Login and set up your account now, edit your details and add a profile picture.

Step 3

👉 CHECK YOUR EMAIL AGAIN - Your will receive an Email from ME soon to welcome you on board.

👉 IMPORTANT - There is a link to a form I need you to fill out asap so I can begin building your plans.

Just in case - here it is again

Step 4

👉 White List my email and add me to your safe senders list so that any further contact from me goes to your inbox:

You will receive an email each day for the next week detailing how to get started on your training plan.

I will be busy working away on your plans, sit back, relax and I’ll be in touch soon.

Your Coach, Aaron.